Blue Mantle Educational Supplies
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Moral relativism has robbed us of a true faith in Jesus Christ and the absolute certainty of an eternity with God. Earth bound thinkers keep us from looking up, and out, to consider the world from the context of a loving Father.  A friend of mine says “when God made time, he made plenty of it.”  Well with all the time we have, we still seem to try to pack 40 hours into a 24 hour day.

Homeschooling is not possible for everyone. We know that.  Not all schools need to be avoided.  We know that too.  What needs to be avoided is the slow indoctrination of a non-Christian world view.

Among other things, the financial situation of families (either by decision or by circumstance) makes it necessary for both parents to work out of the home.   This forces the hand of parents from even considering home education.  If the more sacred is our children’s souls and not their possessions, then a fight needs to be made within our persons on the views we hold and their value when place beside eternal life.

Given that, we feel that making good materials available on a website in Canada or bringing them to conferences, conventions, retreats, and books fairs, it would make it easier for the average Canadian to pick up a book or DVD for their personal study and their children’s education. Our hope is that this will work for you because we cannot ignore the fact that to make and keep friends we must invest our time.  This applies even more so in our relationship with God.