Blue Mantle Educational Supplies
Free Call 1-877-858-6833


Online orders will not have the product’s price changed. Prices from catalogue orders are subject to change without notice – but will reflect the current “online” price when we process your order. We are sorry for this inconvenience with mail orders and if there is a large change – we will notify you before we commit you to your non-online order. All orders must be prepaid in Canadian dollars by money order, bank draft, personal cheque, VISA or MasterCard. Please make cheques, money orders and drafts payable to Blue Mantle Educational Supplies.


All sales will be considered final. No returns will be accepted unless product is defective or damaged and you have called first. Replacements will be issued for defective or damaged goods, if available, or a credit will be placed on your account, if return is validated.

Please call 1-877-858-6833 for Customer Service.