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Little Flowers Wreath 3 Recording CD – Eucharistic and Marian songs

Original price was: $21.73.Current price is: $19.12.

SKU: LFW3CD Product ID: 1560 Categories: ,
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St. Therese, Eutropelia, Friendliness, Initiative, Orderliness, Self-Control, Responsibility, Patience, Cheerfulness, Fortitude, He is Present, Oh, Maria, Daily, Daily, Sing to Mary, The God Whom Earth and Sea and Sky, Mary the Dawn, O salutaris Hostia, Panis Angelicus, Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All

A real asset in helping your Little Flower memorize the Bible verse, saint, and virtue to earn each badge. Lovely, catchy tunes are a real joy to sing along with. Contains a song for each virtue plus Eucharistic and Marian hymns.