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Ever Ancient Ever New Volume 2 Text

Original price was: $82.71.Current price is: $76.92.

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“Late have I loved You, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new!”
—St. Augustine

Ever Ancient Ever New, Level 2 completes CHC’s art history program by telling the “story of art” from the High Renaissance masters to the Modern era. As each artistic period is discussed, detailed Picture Studies teach students the “language of art” as they engage with masterpieces such as El Greco’s The Holy Trinity, Millet’s The Gleaners, and Van Gogh’s The Starry Night. Lessons in Art Theory focus on the principles of design (unity, variety, contrast, movement, proportion, emphasis, repetition, balance, and rhythm).

This level continues the theme of Ever Ancient Ever New, Level 1 by demonstrating how the beauty in great art points beyond the visible to what is spiritually good, true, and beautiful. Level 2 also explores how the art of each period was influenced by the religious and philosophical beliefs of the time, especially the artists’ beliefs about how human beings come to know what is true. Particularly valuable is the balanced discussion of Modern art, which provides an overview of why the break from traditional art occurred, what Modern artists were trying to achieve, and what standards one should have when evaluating Modern artwork.

The non-consumable textbook may be used over and over again! 36 chapters, 422 pgs. Lavishly illustrated in full color! Softcover. 8½”x11”

Artpad is sold separately.