This new worktext on English grammar and composition follows the four-part format of previous levels:
I–Parts of Speech provides review and practice with complex subjects and predicates, appositives, linking verbs, progressive tenses, indefinite pronouns, and so much more quotations, stories, poetry, and non-fiction.
II–Usage offers many examples and exercises using participial phrases, gerunds, sentence diagramming, and subject-verb agreement, often using humorous examples.
III–Mechanics focuses on commas, colons, semi-colons, quotation marks, italics, and other technical aspects of writing.
IV–Composition walks students through diction, researching, pre-writing, drafting, editing, proofreading, and presenting essays, reports, and narratives.
This worktext uses excerpts from Sacred Scripture, Shakespeare, Joyce Kilmer, G. K. Chesterton, St. Francis de Sales, Montague Brown, E.C. Bentley, St. Teresa of Avila, Dom Hubert van Zeller, Jane Austen, E.B. White, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Fr. Gerard Manley Hopkins.
A complete course for both grammar and composition! Advanced Seventh Grade/Average Eighth Grade. Spiral bound for ease of use. Softcover. 321 pgs. Answer key included.
Recommended core text in CHC Lesson Plans for Eighth Grade.
About the Author
Sandra Garant is a veteran home schooling mom and writer. She taught her three children at home until they were ready for college. She has written several books, including the It’s a Mystery series of children’s retreats and Creative Communications: Thirty Writing, Speaking, and Drawing Projects for Homeschoolers. She is married to George Garant, and they live happily in San Antonio, TX. Sandra attends Our Lady of the Atonement Church where she sings soprano in the choir. She is a member of the American Chesterton Society, the San Antonio Chesterton Society, and Friends of Friedrich Wilderness Park. Sandra is a certified teacher and a member of Mom-to-Mom Connections support team.