This collection of art masterpieces features 18 religious paintings by artists such as Raphael, Mengs, and El Greco. The paintings are presented alongside short poems and Scripture verses for the student to memorize. The paintings and poems are organized by the liturgical year; for instance, a painting of Our Lady of the Rosary in October, Christ the King in November, and the Nativity in December. The detailed picture studies in the Teaching Booklet encourage close observation of the paintings and instill a recognition of beauty, composition, color, and line.
The “cut and paste” Mini Masterpiece activity allows the student to compare how different artists have portrayed the same event in different ways. This teaches the concept of artistic style and also prompts the student to ponder different aspects of the religious event portrayed. Ages 9-11.
Teaching Booklet: Softcover, black and white, 81 pgs. 5½”x8½” only.
Why teach art appreciation?
The most fundamental answer is that the experience of beauty in art helps to form the mind and heart for the pursuit of truth and goodness. As Prof. John Crosby has said, “the child who is raised to respond to the beautiful is thereby sensitized to all that is good and right and worthy.” Taking time to expose our children to great art gives them the opportunity “to contemplate the ray of beauty that strikes us to the quick, that almost ‘wounds’ us, and that invites us to rise toward God” (Benedict XVI).