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Elementary Greek Set Year 1

Original price was: $133.77.Current price is: $77.19.

SKU: EGSet Product ID: 4590 Categories: , ,
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Grade Level

Thirty weeks of daily lessons in the Textbook ensure a complete school year of brief, incremental lessons with no additional planning. The Student Workbook provides practice and application at each step of the way, and the Tests booklet ensures material is being mastered. An audio companion CD is available to aid in pronunciation of individual letters, words, grammar paradigms, and passages. The set also includes Flashcards that cover every vocabulary word used in the text and a Teacher Key for the Workbook and Tests.

In the Textbook:

  • Designed with Daily Lesson Plans so you always know what to do next.
  • The text includes memory work, grammar lessons, review work, and practice exercises.
  • The text addresses the student directly with clear explanations and straightforward instructions.

In the Workbook:

  • Daily exercises and activities to coach translation skills and to reinforce concepts from the text.
  • Copywork for all memory verses and vocabulary.
  • Regular drill and creative review helps students build strong foundations for later study.

In the Teacher Key:

  • Answers to Workbook daily exercises and activities
  • Answers to Tests

Audio Companion CD:

  • Content tied directly to textbook lessons.
  • Almost 100 tracks to allow easy access to specific content from the textbook.


  • Covers all the letters and vocabulary from the textbook, including future verb forms in Year Three.
  • Heavy cardstock with coating on both sides for durability.
  • Rounded top-left corners for easy cleanup and arrangement in the same direction.
  • Includes English derivatives.