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The Catholic Faith Comes to the New World

Original price was: $33.09.Current price is: $31.02.

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 First in Seton’s new series of grade school history text / workbooks. Sail icy northern seas with Vikings and unknown ones with Columbus. Watch as colonists, searching for new opportunities and religious freedom, settle in the New World. Learn about their hardships and triumphs. Follow the adventures of George Washington and other patriots as they fight for America’s liberty, and take pride in the Catholic leaders who helped to win victory for a new nation. The focus of this exciting workbook is the 300 years from Columbus’ discovery to the Colony’s decisive victory over Cornwallis. Filled with color pictures and maps that captivate imaginations as they inform. Written by Bruce T. Clark, Seton Historian and novelist, the series will take young readers on a wonderful journey that will carry them to a lifelong love of history. Full color. Separate answer key included. 2015-2021 copyright. 8.5 x 11 inches. Soft cover. 176 pp.