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The Virtue Tree

Original price was: $49.59.Current price is: $46.49.

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Growing up to be a better person on the inside . . .

This character-building course is powerful! Sandra Garant speaks directly to the maturing student about living a life of virtue. This is the same course previously included in CHC Lesson Plans for Seventh Grade. This new edition is illustrated in full color and has been expanded to include 11 inspiring stories of the saints by Elaine Woodfield that demonstrate how the saints put the virtues into practice.

Each of the lessons are easy to understand and conclude with “Good Ideas” to put into practice. Throughout the year, the student is directed to make Virtue “Key” Cards which serve as personal, hands-on reminders of the key points that have been learned. Makes an excellent preparatory course before beginning formal Confirmation classes!

Note: The course is not intended to replace your child’s catechism lessons but to develop and enrich them. Sandra Garant’s lessons on the virtues are based on the Marianist method of virtues by Bl. William Chaminade as explained in Growing in the Virtues of Jesus by Fr. Quentin Hakenewerth.

Pages are not reproducible; each student will need his own book. Full color. 160 pgs. Spiral-bound for ease of use. 8½”x11″