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Faith and Life – Grade 7 – Teacher’s Manual – The Life of Grace 3rd Edition

Original price was: $92.91.Current price is: $86.41.

SKU: 9781586173586 Product ID: 3330 Categories: , , ,
Additional information
Weight 2.6 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 1 in

Grade Level

The Nation’s Leading Religion Series Just Got Better! Teachers’ manuals provide catechists with complete lesson plans and resources to present lessons in dynamic and interesting ways.

The new Teacher’s Manuals feature daily lesson plans in a wrap-around format. In a large (9″”x12″”) page layout, the new manuals facilitate speedy references and are perfectly coordinated with the student texts, outlining an entire school year of plans for lessons, games, songs, and activities. The new Teacher’s Manuals also include:
Lesson overviews with Scripture and Catechism references
Easy-to-follow directions for classroom activities for each lesson
Complete lesson plans with options for five day presentations with suggestions for one day presentations
Prayer experiences for each lesson
Practical suggestions for using art, photographs, music and questions as teaching tools.
References to supporting materials and resources now found in an appendix at the back of the Teacher’s Manuals
“”Culture boxes””, which contain additional information for catechists, such as chalk talk diagrams, short biographies of saints, and other useful reference material
Student text pages are now included within the Teacher’s Manuals for easy reference for the catechist
Answer keys for activities and quizzes
Blackline masters of quizzes and unit tests

THEME: Grace as our link with God, his gift to us to bring us to Himself and his eternal life, with an emphasis on transmission of grace through the seven sacraments and on God’s loving gifts of revelation, of himself through the prophets, the Incarnation, and the Church. The role of grace in developing the virtues.
SEQUENCE: Part 1: God Reveals Himself. The revelation of God through creation, the prophets, and to the chosen people.
Part 2: God becomes Man. Jesus, true God and true Man, Priest and Sacrifice.
Part 3: God Shares His Life. The operation of grace in our lives, in developing the virtues especially through each sacrament.
AIM: To help the young person treasure the sacraments as indispensable to a full Christian life of love and truth. To understand how grace works in our soul and its relation to practicing the virtues and to appreciate our gifts of reason and faith.