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Behold and See Science 6 Student Text

Original price was: $90.07.Current price is: $84.44.

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“Did you know that you can lift an elephant with one hand if you use enough moveable pulleys? Did you know that there are plants that look like pebbles and insects that look like dead leaves? Did you know that the gold in your parents’ wedding rings was forged inside an explosion 700 septillion (700,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) times more powerful than the most powerful nuclear weapon? You will, once you have completed Units 1, 2, and 3 of Behold and See 6!”

Firmly grounded in the belief that faith and reason are inseparable, the Behold and See science series has been written to teach up-to-date scientific knowledge within the context of our Catholic faith. Behold and See 6 provides students with an in-depth, conceptual understanding of physical science, ecology, and astronomy while communicating the richness and order of God’s creation and reflecting on the proper use of scientific knowledge for the glory of God.

Behold and See 6 features an engaging, conversational style; a lavishly-illustrated, full-color interior; and hands-on experiments that actually work. Straight-forward explanations help students to master concepts as simply and easily as possible, while the hands-on approach allows students to actually do science instead of just reading about it. Behold and See 6 succeeds in teaching conceptually advanced material in a way that grabs students’ interest.

Behold and See 6 focuses on physical science, ecology, and astronomy:

  • Physical science, chemistry and physics; in Unit 1, students study and experiment with matter and energy, electricity and magnetism, levers and pulleys, and similar topics.
  • In Unit 2, students tour the biomes of the world, meeting creatures as amusing as the shovel-snouted lizard and as sinister as the strangler fig. Along the way, students learn about interdependence, food chains, climates, and the remarkable “equipment” God has given His creatures to help them survive.
  • In the third and final unit, students discover the wonders of astronomy, using the skills learned in Units 1 and 2 to explore the night sky, solar system, galaxies, and the universe.

Behold and See 6 is the ultimate in ease-of-use for homeschooling families. To encourage independent learning, the text is addressed directly to the student; little or no teacher prep is required. Budget-friendly experiments use materials readily available to the homeschooling family; there is no need to purchase an expensive teacher’s manual because the answer key is included in the back of the workbook.

Behold and See 6 Text: Grades 6-8th; non-consumable; full color throughout; 356 pgs; 8½ x 11.

Behold and See 6 Workbook: The accompanying Student Workbook provides student-friendly exercises, research assignments, Science Notebook assignments, experiments, star-gazing activities, extension activities, weblinks, and a complete answer key. 158 pgs. 8½ x 11.

Science Consultants: Richard Olenick, Ph.D., Mary Catalano B.S., Amanda Beheler, Ph.D., Nancy Nicholson

Recommended core text in CHC Lesson Plans for Sixth Grade. Tour this title within the Sixth Grade Interactive Guide!

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