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Lands of Hope and Promise: A History of North America – Teacher’s Manual

Original price was: $90.00.Current price is: $73.83.

SKU: 9781935644156 Product ID: 4035 Categories: , ,
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Grade Level

This manual will help the teacher employ our story-based text, Lands of Hope and Promise, in the most effective way in the classroom or the home. It includes a discussion of ways to use a story-based text in the classroom and several other features:

  • a scope and sequence for all the chapters
  • a discussion of the major divisions in each chapter
  • a summary for each chapter, with some additional facts and details included
  • a discussion of the basic facts students should take from each chapter, with a brief review of each fact
  • a listing of the key terms presented in each chapter with their definitions
  • a listing of the historical characters central to each chapter
  • answer keys for end-of-chapter review questions as well as for quizzes and tests
  • suggestions for carrying out end-of-chapter activities
  • an offering of additional activities not included in the book
  • a timeline of the events discussed in each chapter
  • a list of resources for further reading

“Less is more” — unlike other publishers, we do not burden teachers with supplement upon supplement. Indeed, we don’t need to: our books do most of the work, by drawing students into the exciting story of history. Our teacher’s manuals and workbooks only help complete the work the textbooks have begun.
Copyright 2014

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