New! In Spelling 1 for Young Catholics, the young student listens to the sounds in a word, and then he identifies the letters of the alphabet that make the sounds. He learns how to spell one-syllable words with short vowel sounds, long vowel sounds, consonant blends, and consonant digraphs. In addition, he learns the spelling of some frequently used words that are not phonetically spelled and some homophones.
Each lesson has a list of ten words. A variety of activities reinforce the spelling of the list words. Woven throughout Spelling 1 for Young Catholics are illustrations and sentences that incorporate some of the spelling list words and present wholesome and Catholic values. As the parent/teacher reads the sentences out loud, the child listens for comprehension and identification of the spelling words. Spelling 1 for Young Catholics 3rd Ed. is designed to accompany Phonics 1 for Young Catholics, but it may be used independently of the Phonics book. Full Color. Copyright 2021. 8.5 x 11 inches. Soft cover. 126 pa