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High School of Your Dreams Guidebook

Original price was: $45.91.Current price is: $43.04.

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Consistent with CHC’s understanding that Our Lord has created each student as a unique individual, High School of Your Dreams was developed by Nancy Nicholson as an approach to high school that can be tailored to fit virtually any learning style and goal. The expanded 2015 edition consists of three essential elements: the Guidebook, the Career Path E-Books, and the Course Resource E-Books. Read on to learn more about the High School of Your Dreams Guidebook.

The High School of Your Dreams Guidebook is the “instruction manual” for planning a complete high school program for your student. The Guidebook offers a step-by-step introduction to three basic “study tracks,” which can be adapted to each student to aid him in discerning and following his unique vocation:

1. College Track: Flexible Textbook Approach;
2. Community College/Vocational School: Independent Study Approach;
3. Apprenticeship/School-to-Work: Experiential Approach.

The Guidebook explains how to use the Career Path E-Books and Course Resource E-Books in order to plan and proceed with your high school program. Topics covered include what subjects are required for high school graduation, how credits are granted, compiling and using transcripts, documenting achievement, and more.

The 50-page “Stepping Up to High School: A Step-by-Step Guide” included in the Guidebook provides detailed guidance for developing a tentative four-year plan and a schedule for freshman coursework. It is recommended that planning for high school begin as the student nears the end of eighth grade. Early planning will help the student to focus on his or her goals—building excitement for the coming high school years—and will give time for course and material selection.

Bonus: A printed version of Course Resource E-Book 7: World History is included for free in the Guidebook to give you a sampling of the comprehensive nature of each Course Resource E-Book!

126 pgs. 2015 Revised Edition. 8½”x11″ Shrink-wrapped. Loose-leaf, 3-hole drilled.

If you are considering homeschooling for high school, visit our high school website at this link.