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Little Flowers Club

A Fun, Flexible, Faith-filled Catholic Club for girls!

Little Flowers Girls’ Club® is a Catholic club for girls ages 5 and up that teaches virtues through scripture, saints’ biographies and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Based on the 1906 Catholic classic The Catholic Girls’ Guide by Fr. F.X. Lasance, and the spirituality of St. Thérése, the Little Flower of Liseux, this beautiful, authentically Catholic program, has delighted and instilled in our girls a love of our Catholic Faith for over 25 years.

Little Flowers Girls’ Club® program consists of four years of study: Wreaths I, II, III and IV. Each Wreath consists of nine virtues. The program is so adaptable that it can be used with multiple age groups or just one grade at a time; the leader’s guides explain how. Meetings can be in the home, in a group, parish or group setting. Groups can meet weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. Groups can start with Wreath I, but girls can join at anytime.

Like a scouting program, girls earn badges for the virtues they have practiced, life skills they have learned. But unlike most scouting organizations, the girls learn and earn their badges through a distinctly Catholic lens. This Catholic to the Core program relies on the stories of the saints, Sacred Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The program is flexible enough to use with a variety of age groups. Little Flowers Girls’ Club® has also been successfully implemented in the family. Sashes, aprons, bandanas, t-shirts and other items are extras that add to the experience, but are not necessary to running a successful club.

The Leader’s Guide for each wreath offers suggestions for running meetings, planning crafts and activities, talks on virtues, and other relevant information. The Member’s Guide includes the activities, saints’ biographies, pictures of the saints, and prayers for each girl. Each of the girls in the club should have their own copy of the Member’s Guide.

Other items that leaders find useful are the Memory Verse CD, the Tea and Luncheon Manual and the Craft Companion.

Leaders should have fun with the program and use the flexibility to choose the items that are right for your group’s needs. God bless you in your work for His work!

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    Little Flowers