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At the Feet of Mary Text

Original price was: $31.19.Current price is: $27.29.

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Grade Level

This resource encourages children to draw near to Jesus through love and devotion to His Mother, Mary. Each lesson covers one of the 20 Mysteries of the Rosary with thought-provoking stories, hands-on activities, age-appropriate meditations and discussion-starters, and inspiring, full-color illustrations that present the life of Christ and His Mother through the eyes of a child. At the end of the course your child will have his own book of Rosary meditations and illustrations. Note: the course is not intended to replace your child’s catechism lessons but to develop and enrich them. Appropriate for ages 7-10.

The non-consumable BOOK contains the inspirational short stories and lesson-by-lesson directions for completing the hands-on projects. 8½”x11″ Black and white. Spiral-binding. 74 pgs.

A family or group using At the Feet of Mary will only need to purchase one Book, while each student using the course will need his own Packet. Lessons are designed to be completed at a rate of one per week, for 21 weeks, but they can be accelerated to several lessons per week if need be.